Certain passenger vehicles. The left front brake tube may be deformed prior to vehicle delivery due to improper installation of a coil spring spacer that was installed to prevent damage to the vehicle during transportation, if the brake tube is deformed significantly, it could contact the inner fender panel, and eventually cause damage to the tube due to vibration during driving. Brake tube damage could also lead to break fluid leakage after extended use of the vehicle. Correction: dealers will inspect the front brake line and, if necessary, replace the line.
Certain 2002 model Lexus ES300 vehicles, during air bag deployment, it is possible that the bottom seam of the front driver's side air bag module cover (horn pad) could be torn away allowing the bottom portion of the cover to completely detach from the air bag module. If this should occur, there is a possibility that the detached bottom portion may strike the driver causing personal injury. Correction: dealers will replace the driver's side air bag module.
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